Another night of attacks in Kyiv. Another night when the Ukrainian counter-air forces work professionally defending civilians in the capital. However, one person has died as a result of the attacks. All news like this is heartbreaking.
We remember that our smiles and peaceful casual life we have in Europe is possible thanks to the people of Ukraine who bear the brunt of the attack from the aggressor state of Russia. Last week our Association participated at Maailma kylässä | World Village Festival presenting Ukraine and raising money for humanitarian aid. Ukrainian music was performed by the Ukrainian-Canadian band Balaklava Blues and our “Jasni’ children’s choir.
Supporting Ukraine was one of the festival’s topics. For this act of solidarity we thank Fingo – Suomalaiset kehitysjärjestöt and Ulkoministeriö – utrikesministeriet. Also, we thank our volunteers who were working hard at our tents for two days, as well as our partner organization Ukrainalaisten yhdistys Itä-Uudellamaalla.