Children’s Choir Yasni

About Us

The children’s choir “Yasni” was founded in August 2022 as a result of children vocal classes held at the Ukrainian Center of Ukrainian association in Finland.

The choir is conducted by Sofiia Yakovyshyna, a professional singer and vocal coach.

Main idea

Initially, the choir was created to provide Ukrainian children in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area with an opportunity to learn and sing songs in Ukrainian language. Build friendships within Ukrainian community. Stay connected to their culture and preserve Ukrainian national identity.

Our Choir Today

Currently the choir consists of 25 dedicated members divided by age into two weekly groups:

6–12 years old

12–16 years old

Over the past two years, Choir “Yasni” participated in numerous cultural and community events, including: Children’s cultural festivals, The Christmas performance “Vertep”, Ukrainian voices concert in Helsinki and others.

Contact us:

Ukrainian Center
Asemapäällikönkatu 1, 00520 Helsinki