345014010 Open position: Organisational assistant – Ukrainian Association in Finland
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Open position: Organisational assistant

The Association of Ukrainians in Finland is looking for an organisational assistant.

The position is funded by STEA’s Paikka auki grant programme. A candidate should be:

1) young, with little or no work experience (18-30 years old at the start of the employment relationship);


       2) a person partially able to work.

In addition, the applicant must be a person who has not previously worked with the assistance of the Job Openings programme. For more information on the criteria of the Job Openings grant scheme https://www.paikka-auki.fi/haluatko-paikka-auki-tyontekijaksi/ 

The job will involve a variety of office tasks, communication (updating social media channels), organising events and activities, and other tasks of general interest for the Association.

 The job description can be adapted according to the skills and interests of the employee.

We value openness, good teamwork skills, the desire to learn new things.

Experience in the field of communication, suitable education, understanding of the organization’s operations is considered an advantage.

The full-time contract is for 12 months.

The work is mainly daytime but may include evening and weekend work.

The contract will start on 2 May 2024 or at a time to be agreed, with a 6-month probationary period and a collective agreement based on the Collective Agreement on Social Work Organisations.

The monthly salary is € 2400. The weekly working time is 37,5 hours. 

Working language: Ukrainian and English, fluency in Finnish is a big plus.

Applications with CV to info@ukrainians.fi  by 15.4.2024, but we are already interviewing during the application period. Please indicate in the message field: Organizational Assistant. For more information on the position, please contact Tanja Mustonen, tanja.mustonen@ukrainians.fi