Babylon XX: screening & talk
Support Ukraine, save the peace in Europe

23-25.10 – Ukrainian Film Days in Helsinki

For the fourth time we run the Ukrainian Film Days in Helsinki. We have a new location, Cinamon Tripla, and three best of the best films released in 2019-2020, among which is Atlantis, Ukraine’s official Oscar candidate.

The festival opens with the comedy My Thoughts Are Silent (dir. Antonio Lukić ) on October, 23. The next day we will show Atlantis (dir. Valentyn Vasyanovych). Politically incorrect war comedy Lethal Kittens (dir. Volodymyr Tykhyy) will be shown on October, 25. Screening will be followed by an online meeting with the film director Volodymyr Tykhyy and producer Ulana Suprun, ex-minister of health care of Ukraine. 

All films have English subtitles. 

Please note that the festival will be conducted with limited seating capacity and according to the recommendations and guidance of the authorities.

Ukrainian Film Days are organized by

Independent Cultural Initiatives, in partnership with the Ukrainian Film State Agency, the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Finland, Arts Promotion Center Finland.