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Book launch: Bohomazov 1911. Following the footsteps of a Ukrainian artist in Finland. Nov., 19,2024, 5 pm, Oodin. FREE ENTRANCE

Book launch: Bohomazov 1911. Ukrainalaisen taiteilijan jäljillä Suomessa. FREE ENTRANCE

Journalists and authors Nataliya Teramae and Pirjo Houni will talk in English about Teramaes book BOHOMAZOV 1911, which has recently been translated into Finnish by Eero Balk. Oleksandr Bohomazov is one of Ukraine’s most important modernist artists, who explored lake Saimaa during 1911. Nataliya Teramae has written a beautiful art book, which contains Bohomazov’s paintings and letters as well as Teramae’s own impressions.

The event is organised by Ukrainalaisten yhdistys Suomessa ry.
